por Parker J Palmer
The book builds on a simple premise: good teaching can never be reduced to technique. Good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher, that core of self where intellect, emotion, and spirit converge--enabling 'live encounters' between teachers, students, and subjects that are the key to deep and lasting learning. Good teachers love learners, learning, and the teaching life in a way that builds trust with students and colleagues, animates their daily practice, and keeps them coming back tomorrow.
por Fernando Hernández , Monserrat Ventura
Este livro descreve as experiências e as práticas da organização do currículo a partir de projetos, através das reflexões de Fernando Hernández.
Por Willian N. Bender
O livro Aprendizagem baseada em projetos explora a ABP como abordagem de ensino diferenciado, com base em aplicações atuais da tecnologia na sala de aula. Ao longo dos capítulos, o autor apresenta diretrizes práticas para sua implementação nos ensinos fundamental, médio e superior, tornando este livro um valioso recurso para o aprimoramento profissional dos professores e para o desenvolvimento de aulas eficazes e motivadoras.
por Lilian Bacich , José Moran
Este livro apresenta práticas pedagógicas, na educação básica e superior, que valorizam o protagonismo dos estudantes e que estão relacionadas com as teorias que lhes servem como suporte. Lilian Bacich e José Moran reúnem nesta obra capítulos de autores brasileiros que analisam por que e para que usar metodologias ativas na educação de forma inovadora.
por Ángel I. Pérez Gómez
Nesta obra, Ángel I. Pérez Gómez explora o que significa aprender a se educar no complexo contexto contemporâneo e defende o desenvolvimento de uma escola educativa - um espaço público para ajudar cada cidadão a construir-se como pessoa "educada", apta a escolher e desenvolver o seu próprio e singular projeto de vida nos âmbitos pessoal, social e profissional.
por Ron Ritchhart , Mark Church
The Power of Making Thinking Visible explains how educators can effectively use thinking routines and other tools to engage and empower students as learners and transform classrooms into places of deep learning.
por Ofelia García , Jo Anne Kleifgen
This accessible guide introduces readers to the issues and controversies surrounding the education of language minority students in the United States. What makes this book a perennial favorite are the succinct descriptions of alternative practices for transforming our schools and students' futures, such as building on students' home languages and literacy practices, incorporating curricular and pedagogical innovations, using proven-effective approaches to parent engagement, and employing alternative assessment tools.
In The Book Whisperer, the author describes in practical ways how she has managed to create a positive and lifelong impact on students’ love for books and reading. Not only does Donalyn inspire us with her passion for books and for teaching reading, but she also provides easy-to-use, meaningful activities that invite students to go way beyond boring book quizzes and reports. Great source of ideas.
Nation provides a rich and detailed guideline for teachers who wish to implement Extensive Reading programs in their classes, as well as to improve their students’ writing skills and fluency. The book is organized and present easily applied principles, a large number of useful teaching techniques, and guidelines for testing and monitoring.
Indicado tanto para professores de língua estrangeira no início de carreira tanto para aqueles que procuram uma renovação em sua prática, este livro aborda desde os aspectos mais teóricos do ensino às questões mais práticas do dia a dia da sala de aula.
With clear directions and classroom-tested strategies for supporting students’ academic progress. Gibbons shows how the teaching of the language can be integrated with teaching of content.
Extensive reading is the ideal companion for teachers who would like to add the substantial benefits of extensive reading into their language programmes.
This book is about teaching English as a second or foreign language using Project-Based Learning (PBL). We approach this combination because many people seem to think about implementing PBL in their language classes and ask questions about how to do it, but feel that there aren’t enough materials based on this methodology. Click here to see a sample and buy the e-book: https://www.teach-ineducation.com/site/project-based-learning.php?p=our-pbl-book
From EL Education comes a proven approach to student assessment Leaders of Their Own Learning offers a new way of thinking about assessment based on the celebrated work of EL Education schools across the country. Student-Engaged Assessment is not a single practice but an approach to teaching and learning that equips and compels students to understand goals for their learning and growth, track their progress toward those goals, and take responsibility for reaching them.
Donald Freeman examines how core ideas and practices in educating second language teachers relate to and differ from teacher education in other content areas. He weaves together research in general and second language teacher education with accounts of experience and practice to examine how background knowledge is defined in language teaching.
Drawing from his own remarkable experience as a veteran classroom teacher (still in the classroom), Ron Berger gives us a vision of educational reform that transcends standards, curriculum, and instructional strategies. He argues for a paradigm shift - a schoolwide embrace of an "ethic of excellence."
What if education could be better--for students and for educators? Our changing world demands creative thinkers and collaborative problem solvers, but too often, schools stifle growth and discovery in favor of getting through the curriculum or preparing for "the test." Learning opportunities and teaching methods must evolve to match the ever-changing needs of today's learners. When we tell learners to complete an assignment, we get compliance. When we empower learners to explore and learn how to make an impact on the world, we inspire problem solvers and innovators.
Bilingual Education in the 21st Century examines languages and bilingualism as individual and societal phenomena, presents program types, variables, and policies in bilingual education, and concludes by looking at practices, especially pedagogies and assessments. This thought-provoking work is an ideal textbook for future teachers as well as providing a fresh view of the subject for school administrators and policy makers. This work provides an overview of bilingual education theories and practices throughout the world. It extends traditional conceptions of bilingualism and bilingual education to include global and local concerns in the 21st century.
A proven program for enhancing students' thinking and comprehension abilities. Visible Thinking is a research-based approach to teaching thinking, begun at Harvard's Project Zero, that develops students' thinking dispositions, while at the same time deepening their understanding of the topics they study. Rather than a set of fixed lessons, Visible Thinking is a varied collection of practices, including thinking routines small sets of questions or a short sequence of steps as well as the documentation of student thinking.
Idealizado e concebido para professores de língua inglesa que buscam atividades dinâmicas, práticas e atuais. Contempla diversos gêneros do cinema em atividades que podem durar uma aula ou apenas parte dela, abordando vocabulário, gramática e aspectos críticos dos trechos selecionados. Além de trazer os modelos fotocopiáveis das atividades, este livro conta com orientações para o professor e embasamento teórico.
Seguindo a mesma linha de Atividades de vídeo para o ensino de inglês, o segundo volume da série propõe diversas atividades com músicas, para todos os níveis e idades. O livro apresenta atividades fotocopiáveis, orientações para o professor e informações extras sobre os cantores e bandas, além das letras completas das músicas utilizadas.
Jogos têm sido utilizados há muito tempo na história da humanidade como forma de lazer. O objetivo desse livro é orientar os professores de Inglês a preparar e utilizar jogos em suas aulas com objetivos pedagógicos claros. Ele reúne uma seleção de jogos para todas as idades. Jogos são atividades motivadoras para os alunos na sala de aula mas é preciso saber como utilizá-los para que se tenha um resultado não somente motivacional mas também pedagógico.
O livro é dividido em quatro partes:
– Introdução – parte teórica
– Jogos com tabuleiros
– Jogos com cartas
– Jogos com dados